Muddy football, just like it use to be.
I allowed myself to sleep in a little bit before I had to get up for football practice. I drove to my IS office and checked my e-mail. There was none of interest. I headed off to Moscow for practice. The field that had been covered by snow, hard-crunchy snow was now mud. People started to show up for practice. At the same time guys from nearby fraternities were showing up to play football on the same field. We ended up sharing a field with them. They were playing a full tackle game with a lot of people watching.
I was watching our practice. I sure wish I could be out there in some ways. For many years I would do EMS at high school football games. I watch these guys go out there and hit and have fun. I wished that I could. Then when the Palouse Thunder semi-pro football team started up, I found my chance. However due to my ankle surgery I am stuck only watching until it gets better.
Because the field was so muddy I was trying to help keep the football's dry. I was using a towel. On crutches I was having a hard time doing it and I was getting really muddy in the process. So, Once the practice was over I was going to have to make a trip to Colfax to clean up. That is something I was hoping to avoid. I went to Ryan's apartment hoping to get him to go with me so he could see my house for the first time. There was a note on his door saying he went to Safeway. I drove to Safeway hoping to meet up with him. He took the bus and has only left about fifteen minutes before I got there.
I waited at Safeway until four o'clock. I was putting the car into gear when I got a call. It was Ryan letting me know he was at Rite-Aid. That is across the street from Safeway, so I picked him up. I went to Dairy Queen and then we drove to Colfax. I got changed and we left again. Ryan wanted to see Victor. So he went in a petted Victor.
We got back to Pullman and Ryan went back to Rite-Aid and got his photo's that were being developed. We went to Ryan's apartment and hung out a little bit. Meredith and Eddie were there. We were going to watch a movie. No one could agree on one. We agreed to gamble. Ryan and I went to get some pop. Meredith went to pick up Kendan. We played four handed poker for about two hours then Meredith, Eddie, and Kendan went to a party. Ryan and I played for a few more hours. I was ready to go to bed, but I stayed. Meredith came back and played some more. I ended up winning pretty big. I would say I was up about ten bucks. I finally left at about three o'clock am.
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